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Hallo bin neu Hier und bräuchte mal hilfe .


Möchte ein gameobject aus einer [] per button laden. Bekomme es leider nicht hin darum frage ich hier :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ChooseCar : MonoBehaviour {

public Vector2 scaleOnRatio1 = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f);
private Transform myTrans;
private float widthHeightRatio;
/// <summary>
/// My GUI skin.  This is used to make customization of the GUI for this car choose script.
/// </summary>
public GUISkin myGuiSkin;
public GUISkin boxSkin;
/// <summary>
/// The button right.
/// </summary>
public Texture buttonRight;

/// <summary>
/// The button right position.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 buttonRightPos;

/// <summary>
/// The size of the button right.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 buttonRightSize;

/// <summary>
/// The button left.
/// </summary>
public Texture buttonLeft;

/// <summary>
/// The button left position.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 buttonLeftPos;

/// <summary>
/// The size of the button left.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 buttonLeftSize;

/// <summary>
/// The track names for UI.
/// </summary>
public string[] trackNamesForUI;

/// <summary>
/// The track names.
/// </summary>
public string[] trackNames;

/// <summary>
/// The track images.
/// </summary>
public Texture2D[] trackImages;

/// <summary>
/// The height of the instantiate.
/// </summary>
public float instantiateHeight = 0.1f;

/// <summary>
/// The index of the track.
/// </summary>
private int trackIndex = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The index of the championship.
/// </summary>
private int championshipIndex = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The car choosen.
/// </summary>
private bool carChoosen = false;

/// <summary>
/// The current car inputs.
/// </summary>
private IRDSCarControllInput currentCarInputs;

/// <summary>
/// The champ system.
/// </summary>
private ChampionShipSystem champSystem;

/// <summary>
/// The have champion ship.
/// </summary>
private bool haveChampionShip = false;

/// <summary>
/// The temp cars.
/// </summary>
public Object[] tempCars;

/// <summary>
/// The temp object.
/// </summary>
public GameObject tempObj;
public int[] tempCars_Price ;
public int[] tempCars_KW ;
private string playersprofilename = "";

/// <summary>
/// The car selected.
/// </summary>
int carSelected = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The loaded stettings.
/// </summary>
IRDSLevelLoadVariables loadedStettings;

/// <summary>
/// The texture that would be use for displaying the colors to choose for the car paint selection.
/// </summary>
Texture2D texture;

/// <summary>
/// The type of race selected. 
/// 0 = none selected
/// 1 = single race
/// 2 = championship race
/// </summary>
int typeOfRaceSelected = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The menu selection.
/// </summary>
int menuSelection = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The team selected by player.
/// </summary>
int teamSelectedByPlayer = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The choose color window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect chooseColorWindowRect;

/// <summary>
/// The race mode window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect raceModeWindowRect;
/// <summary>
/// The race settings window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect raceSettingsWindowRect;
/// <summary>
/// The graphics quality window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect graphicsQualityWindowRect;
/// <summary>
/// The track choose window rect.
/// </summary>
public Rect trackChooseWindowRect;
/// <summary>
/// The team choose window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect teamChooseWindowRect;
/// <summary>
/// The championship choose window rect.
/// </summary>
private Rect championshipChooseWindowRect;

private Rect mainmenuWindowRect;
private Rect playerWindowRect;

private float playerwheel = 0.0f;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
 Time.timeScale = 1;

void Start () {
 playerwheel = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("selectWheels");
 myTrans = transform;
 //We initialize the texture for showing the colors for the car paint to choose from.
 texture = new Texture2D(15, 25);

 //Get the instance of the levelload object to do the modification and gets information from it
 loadedStettings = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(IRDSLevelLoadVariables)) as IRDSLevelLoadVariables;

 //Get the instance of the championship system if any
 champSystem = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(ChampionShipSystem))as ChampionShipSystem;

 //Check if we got an instance of the championship system and set the corresponding bool to true.
 if (champSystem != null)
  haveChampionShip = true;
 else typeOfRaceSelected = 1;

 //Set the player name by defaul to player.
 loadedStettings.playerName ="Player";
 //Set the windows sizes
 chooseColorWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2 -350),(Screen.height/2 - 280 ),loadedStettings.carAiColors.Length * 39 + 5 ,150);
 raceModeWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2 -350),(Screen.height /2 - 280),175 ,125);
 raceSettingsWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2-350),(Screen.height/2-280),300 ,300);
 graphicsQualityWindowRect = new Rect(15,25,200,125);
 trackChooseWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2  - 300),(Screen.height/2  - 250),600,500);
 teamChooseWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2  - 300),(Screen.height/2  - 250),600,500);
 championshipChooseWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2  - 300),(Screen.height/2  - 250),600,500);
 mainmenuWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width/2  - 300),(Screen.height/2  - 250),200,500);
 playerWindowRect = new Rect(15,25,300 ,300);


/// <summary>
/// Updates the car list.
/// </summary>
void UpdateCarListSingleRace()

 //We have to make a copy of the list and arrays, to avoid erasing them if the list and arrays changes.
 if (champSystem != null){
  loadedStettings.preloadedCarsPath = new System.Collections.Generic.List<IRDSLevelLoadVariables.IRDSCarsPaths>(champSystem.defaultCarsPath);
  loadedStettings.carsFolders = champSystem.originalCarFolders.Clone() as string[];
  loadedStettings.CarsForRace = champSystem.originalCars.Clone() as GameObject[];
 //Preload all the cars that by default are on the default resources folder Cars.
 tempCars = Resources.LoadAll("Cars",typeof(GameObject));
 if (loadedStettings.carsFolders.Length !=0)
  foreach (string folder in loadedStettings.carsFolders)
   Object[] tempcars1 = UnityEngine.Resources.LoadAll(folder,typeof(GameObject));
   int tempindex = tempCars.Length;
   System.Array.Resize<Object>(ref tempCars, tempCars.Length + tempcars1.Length);
 for (int i = 0;i < loadedStettings.preloadedCarsPath.Count;i++)
  Object[] tempcars1 = UnityEngine.Resources.LoadAll(loadedStettings.preloadedCarsPath[i].folderName,typeof(GameObject));
  int tempindex = tempCars.Length;
  System.Array.Resize<Object>(ref tempCars, tempCars.Length + tempcars1.Length);
 foreach(GameObject car in loadedStettings.CarsForRace){
  System.Array.Resize<Object>(ref tempCars, tempCars.Length+1);
  tempCars[tempCars.Length-1] = car;

void SetScale()
 //find the aspect ratio
 widthHeightRatio = (float)Screen.width/Screen.height;
 //Apply the scale. We only calculate y since our aspect ratio is x (width) authoritative: width/height (x/y)
 myTrans.localScale = new Vector3 (scaleOnRatio1.x, widthHeightRatio * scaleOnRatio1.y, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the car list for selected team.
/// </summary>
void UpdateCarListForSelectedTeam()
 tempCars = new Object[0];
 if (champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].teamCars.carsArray.Length !=0)
  int tempindex = tempCars.Length;
  System.Array.Resize<Object>(ref tempCars, tempCars.Length + champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].teamCars.carsArray.Length);
 foreach (IRDSLevelLoadVariables.IRDSCarsPaths car in champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].teamCars.teamCars)

  foreach(string carName in car.preloadedCarsPath){
   Object tempcars1 = UnityEngine.Resources.Load(carName.Replace("\\","/"),typeof(GameObject));
   System.Array.Resize<Object>(ref tempCars, tempCars.Length+1);
   tempCars[tempCars.Length-1] = tempcars1;

// Update is called once per frame

void LateUpdate()
 //Set the brake lights on.
 if (currentCarInputs != null) currentCarInputs.GetCarVisuals().brakeLight(1);

void Update () {

 case 1:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 0;
   carChoosen = false;
 case 2:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 1;
   carChoosen = false;
 case 3:
  //If no car have been choosen yet
  if (!carChoosen)

   if (tempObj == null) carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);
   //Check if the player hitted return to continue to the next selction menu
   if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return) )
 loadedStettings.selectedCar = transform.GetComponentInChildren<IRDSCarControllerAI>().name.Replace("(Clone)","");
 carChoosen = true;
 menuSelection = 4;
   //Return to the previos menu if the player hits escape key
   if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
 carChoosen = false;
 case 1:
  menuSelection = 2;
  typeOfRaceSelected = 0;
 case 2:
  menuSelection = 5;
 case 4:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 3;
   carChoosen = false;
 case 5:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 2;
   typeOfRaceSelected = 0;
   carChoosen = false;
   champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].isPlayerAssignedToTeam = false;
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Return) )
   menuSelection = 3;
   carSelected = 0;
   champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].isPlayerAssignedToTeam = true;

   carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);
 case 6:
  //Get any key press and check if they are left or right arraw and change the current car (cycle cars)
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
   if (carSelected > 0)
   else carSelected = tempCars.Length-1;

   carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);


  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow))

   if (carSelected < tempCars.Length-1)
   else carSelected = 0;

   carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);

  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 3;

 case 7:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 3;
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
   if (playerwheel > 0)
   else playerwheel = tempCars.Length-1;

   PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("selectWheels",playerwheel );


  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow))

   if (playerwheel < tempCars.Length-1)
   else playerwheel = 0;

   PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("selectWheels",playerwheel );

 case 8:
  if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape))
   menuSelection = 3;


 //Make sure the car wont be able to go forward with the user inputs.
 if (currentCarInputs != null) {
  currentCarInputs.GetDrivetrain().gearWanted =1;

/// <summary>
/// Update the current car to the new selected one
/// </summary>
/// <param name='i'>
/// I, this is the index of the selected car.
/// </param>
/// <param name='rotation'>
/// Rotation.
/// </param>
void carSelection(int i, Quaternion rotation)
 if (tempObj !=null) DestroyImmediate(tempObj);
 tempObj = InstantiateObject.instantiateCar(tempObj, transform,tempCars[i],rotation,Vector3.zero,new Vector3(0,instantiateHeight,0),RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ, 10);
 tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSCarControllerAI>().enabled = false;
 tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSNavigateTWaypoints>().enabled = false;
 tempObj.transform.parent = transform;
 tempObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,instantiateHeight,0);
 tempObj.rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ;
 tempObj.rigidbody.inertiaTensor *= 10;

 loadedStettings.selectedCarColor[0] = loadedStettings.carAiColors[0];
 currentCarInputs = tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSCarControllInput>();

void ColorSelectionWindow(int windowID)
 for (int x = 0; x < loadedStettings.carAiColors.Length; x++)
  for (int i =0;i <=15;i++)
   for (int y =0; y <=25;y++)
 texture.SetPixel(i, y, loadedStettings.carAiColors[x]);
  //Make Main Menu button
  if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15 + x * 35,55 ,35,35), texture)){
   loadedStettings.selectedCarColor[0] = loadedStettings.carAiColors[x];
void MainMenuWindow(int windowID)
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,40,160,50),"Single Race"))
  menuSelection = 1;

void PlayerWindow(int windowID)
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,175,100,35),new GUIContent("Name:"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));

 loadedStettings.playerName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(80,175,150,40),loadedStettings.playerName);
 if(GUILayout.Button( "continu")){//new Rect(12.5f,85,150,25),
  menuSelection = 2;

void RaceModeWindow(int windowID)
 if(GUILayout.Button("Single Race")){//new Rect(12.5f,50,150,25),

  typeOfRaceSelected = 1;
  menuSelection = 3;
  carSelected = 0;
  carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);

 if(GUILayout.Button( "Championships")){//new Rect(12.5f,85,150,25),
  typeOfRaceSelected = 2;
  menuSelection = 5;
void RaceSettingsWindow(int windowID)
 // Number of opponents
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,30,130,35),new GUIContent("No. Opponents"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(190,30,30,30), "-")){
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(230,30,30,30), "+")){
 loadedStettings.numberOfAiCars = Mathf.Clamp(loadedStettings.numberOfAiCars,1,19);
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(140,30,25,35),new GUIContent(loadedStettings.numberOfAiCars.ToString()),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));

 // No. of Laps
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,70,120,35),new GUIContent("No. Laps"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));

 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(190,70,30,30), "-")){
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(230,70,30,30), "+")){
 loadedStettings.laps = Mathf.Clamp(loadedStettings.laps,2,100);
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(140,70,25,35),new GUIContent(loadedStettings.laps.ToString()),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 //ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,175,100,35),new GUIContent("Name:"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));

 //loadedStettings.playerName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(80,175,150,40),loadedStettings.playerName);

 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,100,100,35),new GUIContent("Auto-Shifting"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));

 loadedStettings.automaticGearShifting = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(100,110,100,35),loadedStettings.automaticGearShifting,"");
 //ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15,225,250,100),new GUIContent("Press Enter To Select Current Car \nUse arrows keys to \n  change cars"),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15,150,150,50), "Continue"))
  loadedStettings.selectedCar = transform.GetComponentInChildren<IRDSCarControllerAI>().name.Replace("(Clone)","");
  carChoosen = true;
  menuSelection = 4;


void GraphicsQualityWindow(int windowID)
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15 ,50,30,30), "+")){
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15 ,80,30,30), "-")){
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(60 ,50,150,250),new GUIContent("Current Setting: \n" + QualitySettings.names[QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel()]),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 GUI.DragWindow ();
void TrackChooseWindow(int windowID)
 int row = 0;
 int column = 0;
 for (int r = 1; r < trackNames.Length+1; r++)
  ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect((20+ column * 110),80+row*145,100,35),new GUIContent(trackNamesForUI[r-1]),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
  if(GUI.Button(new Rect((15+ column * 110),105+row*145,100,100), trackImages[r-1])){
  if (r%5==0){
   column = 0;
 loadedStettings.trackToRace = trackNames[trackIndex];
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(15 ,450,300,50),new GUIContent("Current Course: " + trackNamesForUI[trackIndex]),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(200 ,450,150,35), "Race!"))

void TeamSelectionWindow(int windowID)
 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(225 ,450,150,35), "Continue"))
  menuSelection = 3;
  carSelected = 0;
  carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);
  champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].isPlayerAssignedToTeam = true;
 int row = 0;
 int column = 0;
 for (int r = 1; r < champSystem.championshipTeams.Count+1; r++)
  ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(20 + column * 110,50+row * 145,100,35),new GUIContent(champSystem.championshipTeams[r-1].teamName),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
  if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15 + column * 110,75+row*145,100,100),champSystem.championshipTeams[r-1].icon ))
  if (r%5==0){
   column = 0;
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(25,450,300,50),new GUIContent("Current Team: " + champSystem.championshipTeams[teamSelectedByPlayer].teamName),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
void ChampionshipSelectionWindow(int windowID)
 // Track to Race
 int row = 0;
 int column = 0;
 for (int r = 1; r < champSystem.championShipData.Count+1; r++)
  ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(20 + column * 110,50+row * 145,100,35),new GUIContent(champSystem.championShipData[r-1].ChampionShipName),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
  if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15 + column * 110,75+row*145,100,100), champSystem.championShipData[r-1].icon)){
  if (r%5==0){
   column = 0;
 ShadowAndOutline.DrawShadow(new Rect(25,430,300,50),new GUIContent("Current Championship: " + champSystem.championShipData[championshipIndex].ChampionShipName),GUI.skin.label,Color.white,Color.black, new Vector2(2f,2f));
 if(GUI.Button(new Rect(225 ,450,150,35), "Race!")){
void OnGUI()
 GUI.skin = myGuiSkin;
   //GUI content
 case 0:
  mainmenuWindowRect = GUI.Window(2, mainmenuWindowRect, MainMenuWindow, "Main Menu", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
 case 1:
  playerWindowRect = GUI.Window(2, playerWindowRect, PlayerWindow, "Player Name", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
 case 2:
  //Type of game, single race or championship
  if (haveChampionShip && typeOfRaceSelected ==0)
   raceModeWindowRect = GUILayout.Window(0, raceModeWindowRect, RaceModeWindow, "Race Mode", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
   menuSelection = 3;
 case 3:
  //Car selection menu
  if (!carChoosen)
   if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10,10,150,50),"Cars"))
 menuSelection = 6;

   //Use this for mobile

   if(GUI.Button(new Rect(170,10,150,50),"Cars Color"))
 menuSelection = 7;
   if(GUI.Button(new Rect(330,10,150,50),"Go To Race"))
 menuSelection = 8;
 case 4:
  //Selection of the championship or track, depends on what option was selected on step 0.
  case 1:
   //Single track race

   //Track Choose window
   trackChooseWindowRect = GUI.Window(4,trackChooseWindowRect,TrackChooseWindow,"Select Course", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));

   //Graphics quality window
   //graphicsQualityWindowRect = GUI.Window(3,graphicsQualityWindowRect,GraphicsQualityWindow,"Graphics Settings", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));


  case 2:

   //Championship race window
   championshipChooseWindowRect = GUI.Window(6,championshipChooseWindowRect,ChampionshipSelectionWindow,"Select Championship", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));

   //Graphics quality window
   //graphicsQualityWindowRect = GUI.Window(3,graphicsQualityWindowRect,GraphicsQualityWindow,"Graphics Settings", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));

   champSystem.playerSelectedTeam = teamSelectedByPlayer;

 case 5:
  //Team selection menu for the player
  //This is only for Championship races
  //Team selection window
  teamChooseWindowRect = GUI.Window(5,teamChooseWindowRect,TeamSelectionWindow,"Select Team", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
 case 6:
  //carselctWindowRect = GUI.Window(5,carselctWindowRect,CarSelctWindow,"Cars", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
  //Use this for mobile, car selection, also can work on other platforms
  if (buttonLeft != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(Mathf.Clamp((Screen.width * buttonLeftPos.x)-buttonLeftSize.x,0f,float.MaxValue) ,Mathf.Clamp((Screen.height*buttonLeftPos.y )-buttonLeftSize.y,0f,float.MaxValue),buttonLeftSize.x,buttonLeftSize.y), buttonLeft))
   if (carSelected > 0)
   else carSelected = tempCars.Length-1;
   carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);

  if (buttonRight != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(Mathf.Clamp((Screen.width * buttonRightPos.x)-buttonRightSize.x,0f,float.MaxValue) ,Mathf.Clamp((Screen.height*buttonRightPos.y )-buttonRightSize.y,0f,float.MaxValue),buttonRightSize.x,buttonRightSize.y), buttonRight))
   if (carSelected < tempCars.Length-1)
   else carSelected = 0;
   carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);

  GUI.skin = boxSkin;
  GUI.Box (new Rect(0,Screen.height-77,100,100),"");
  GUI.Label ( new Rect(0,Screen.height-150,487,265),"Price $ : "+tempCars_Price[Mathf.Abs(carSelected)]);
  GUI.Label ( new Rect(0,Screen.height-130,487,265),"Kw : "+tempCars_KW[Mathf.Abs(carSelected)]);

 case 7:
  //color chooser window
  chooseColorWindowRect = GUI.Window(1, chooseColorWindowRect, ColorSelectionWindow, "Choose Color", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
  if (buttonLeft != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(Mathf.Clamp((Screen.width * buttonLeftPos.x)-buttonLeftSize.x,0f,float.MaxValue) ,Mathf.Clamp((Screen.height*buttonLeftPos.y )-buttonLeftSize.y,0f,float.MaxValue),buttonLeftSize.x,buttonLeftSize.y), buttonLeft))
   if (playerwheel > 0)
   else playerwheel = tempCars.Length-1;
   PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("selectWheels",playerwheel );

  if (buttonRight != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(Mathf.Clamp((Screen.width * buttonRightPos.x)-buttonRightSize.x,0f,float.MaxValue) ,Mathf.Clamp((Screen.height*buttonRightPos.y )-buttonRightSize.y,0f,float.MaxValue),buttonRightSize.x,buttonRightSize.y), buttonRight))
   if (playerwheel < tempCars.Length-1)
   else playerwheel = 0;
   PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("selectWheels",playerwheel );
 case 8:
  //Race settings window
  raceSettingsWindowRect = GUI.Window(2, raceSettingsWindowRect, RaceSettingsWindow, "Race Settings", GUI.skin.GetStyle("window"));
  //Use this for mobile




void ChangeCarColor (Color32 carColor)
 MeshRenderer[] tempMaterial = tempObj.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>();
 foreach (MeshRenderer mesh in tempMaterial)
  foreach (Material material in mesh.materials)
   foreach (Shader shader in loadedStettings.carShader)
 if ((material.shader.name.ToString() == shader.name.ToString())) material.SetColor("_Color",carColor);
//   if ((material.shader.name.ToString().Length> 8?material.shader.name.ToString().Substring(0,9): "no") == "Car Paint") material.SetColor("_Color",carColor);

IEnumerator LoadLevel()
 yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);



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Entschuldigung !!


Ich würde gern die Cars einzel per GUIButton laden .


public Object[] tempCars;



public GameObject tempObj;





if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow))


if (carSelected > 0)


else carSelected = tempCars.Length-1;


carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);




if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow))



if (carSelected < tempCars.Length-1)


else carSelected = 0;


carSelection(carSelected, transform.localRotation);




void carSelection(int i, Quaternion rotation)


if (tempObj !=null) DestroyImmediate(tempObj);

tempObj = InstantiateObject.instantiateCar(tempObj, transform,tempCars,rotation,Vector3.zero,new Vector3(0,instantiateHeight,0),RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ, 10);


tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSCarControllerAI>().enabled = false;

tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSNavigateTWaypoints>().enabled = false;

tempObj.transform.parent = transform;

tempObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,instantiateHeight,0);

tempObj.rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ;

tempObj.rigidbody.inertiaTensor *= 10;



loadedStettings.selectedCarColor[0] = loadedStettings.carAiColors[0];

currentCarInputs = tempObj.GetComponent<IRDSCarControllInput>();


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Hallo Dennis1980


hast du den Code oben irgendwo runtergeladen oder ist der von dir? Um es den Antwortern leichter zu machen, solltest du bei Fragen folgendes berücksichtigen:


- Beschreibe genau, was dein Problem ist. Ich würde gern die Cars einzel per GUIButton laden ist eher suboptimal. Wir wissen hier nichts von deinem Vorhaben und deinen Problemen und können nur raten. Wenn wir dabei in die falsche Richtung raten, war unser Aufwand umsonst. Du willst per GUI-Button einen Car laden? Wohin? Willst du statt den Links-Rechts-Tasten GUI-Buttons benutzen und die Cars dann anzeigen? Oder was ganz anderes?


- Wenn du Code postest, dann am besten ein Teilstück, das mit deinem Problem zu tun hat. Du könntest ja z.B. dazuschreiben "Mit diesem Code kann ich die Cars per Tastatur steuern, wie kann ich statt der Tasten zwei GUI-Buttons verwenden?" Dann brauchen wir uns nicht erst mühsam in völlig unformatierten Code reinlesen.


- Poste den essentiellen Code. In deinem ersten Beitrag finden sich Codestellen wie

/// <summary>

/// The button right.

/// </summary>

public Texture buttonRight;

/// <summary>

/// The button right position.

/// </summary>

public Vector2 buttonRightPos;

Warum müssen wir uns durch kilometerlange Kommentare quälen, wenn sie dermaßen sinnlos und falsch sind? public Texture buttonRight ist eine Variable, offensichtlich eine Textur. Davon abgesehen, dass der Variablenname besser textureButtonRight oder buttonRightTexture sein könnte, ist der Kommentar (The button right) irreführend, weil das nicht der Button, sondern die Textur ist. Und was hier zu viel an Formatierung ist, ist bei den weiter unten stehenden Methoden zu wenig. Solche Kommentare können und sollten einfach weggelassen werden. Erhöht die Lesbarkeit enorm.


- Dein Threadtitel. Brauch mal Hilfe !! Stell dir vor, jeder schreibt so einen Titel über seinen Thread. Formuliere deinen Titel so aussagekräftig wie möglich, also etwa "Steuerung von Tastatur auf GUI umstellen" oder "Auswahl aus Array per GUI treffen" oder so. Dann kann ich mich auch an den Thread erinnern oder gleich anhand der Überschrift unterscheiden, ob ich dir helfen kann oder nicht.


Hier sind zwar erstaunlich viele Mitglieder mit einer Glaskugel unterwegs und die erraten meistens auch ziemlich gut, was gewünscht wird, aber du musst denen das Leben ja nicht noch schwerer machen.


Tschuldige für den langen Rant. Wenn du die Hinweise etwas berücksichtigst, wirst du mehr Hilfe bekommen.



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