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Parallax - Linear Space problem

Hard Duck Games

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Hello Unity Fellas! Anyone experiencing this height map parallax problem when working in linear space? With gamma (first pic) it seems jus fine. Is Parallax currently broken in linear?
On the second pic, there are some wobble lines, too much indent in zick zack form. Noticable in the corner of the bricks, although the height map is nice and clean. Im currently guessing it might be cause of the linear interpretation of the height map, which causes this effect sooner in intensity, so that in gamma space, it might be less intensive when turned all the way up. After all parallax has its limitations, but it shouldn´t be that way. Tested the texture set also in Substance Designer where it was made, also cranked the parallax all the way up there, which is way more intense even, but everything stayed fine, jus as expected. We are only experiencing this in Unity with linear color space turned on. Thanks in advance for any help or clarification.
Hard Duck

Screenshot 2017-10-27 22.11.33.png

Screenshot 2017-10-27 22.13.57.png

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I cant see a big difference between the "linear" vs "gamma" color space:



But Unity says himself:

The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual effects. Specifically, very steep height transitions in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward the shallow end.

As i know it exists other parallax shaders that possibly produce better results (but consumes usually more render time).

You shouldnt use the full range of the highmap slider. I used "0.04". The higher you go, the more unwanted effects.

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Am 29.10.2017 um 01:04 schrieb Zer0Cool:

I cant see a big difference between the "linear" vs "gamma" color space:



But Unity says himself:

The Parallax mapping technique is pretty simple, so it can have artifacts and unusual effects. Specifically, very steep height transitions in the Height Map should be avoided. Adjusting the Height value in the Inspector can also cause the object to become distorted in an odd, unrealistic way. For this reason, it is recommended that you use gradual Height Map transitions or keep the Height slider toward the shallow end.

As i know it exists other parallax shaders that possibly produce better results (but consumes usually more render time).

You shouldnt use the full range of the highmap slider. I used "0.04". The higher you go, the more unwanted effects.

Hey, thanks for the answer! So I guess it might be cause of the height map values are interpreted as higher(or lower)  in linear space as opposed to gamma, where you can crank the slider up to 0,08 and its still fine. In linear, as you stated, anything above 0,04 (or even 0,02 for me) goes nuts. So its caused by the limited parallax technique, that of course, seem to differ from Substanc Designers or other renderers, for performance reasons. (Still looks great though.) I just hope Ive not overlooked something or did something wrong. Cause sometimes having a more intense usage of the height map can be a wanted effect. On your linear pic , it looks quite unproblematic opposed to mine. I also think that my heightmap is not especially steep or something. 

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