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Objekte auf einer Länge gleichmäßig verteilen lassen


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Hallo zusammen,

besteht die Möglichkeit, Objekte in Unity, gleichmäßig verteilen zu lassen?

z.b. Eine Produktverpackung auf einem Regalboden? So eine Art, "packe mir so viele Produkte wie es geht auf den Boden, ohne dass diese sich überschneiden oder über den definierten Regalboden überstehen? Aber bitte mit gleichem Abstand.

Via gapping würde es theoretisch klappen, aber dann muss ich sie immer wieder kopieren und andocken, und dann hab ich kein gleichmäßigen Abstand




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Sollte gehen, die einfachste Variante wäre ein einfaches "Undo", d.h. du kannst erst einmal nur eine Aktion rückgängig machen und der Undobutton liegt dann unter "LineMup..". Hierfür könnte man die Originalpositionen der Transforms in einem Array speichern und sie bei einem Undo wieder setzen.
Eine mehrfaches "Undo" und das "Undo" mit dem Unity-"Undosystem" zu koppeln wäre die komplexeste Variante.

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Ok, ich hab mich mal rangesetzt, war nicht gerade einfach...
Ist alles wenig getestet, also mit Vorsicht zu verwenden. Es gibt nun 3 neue Menüpunkte (Translation Equal X Y und Z). Hier wird die Breite der Objekte in der jeweiligen Richtung mit berücksichtigt.

Author: Matthew J. Collins (Délé)
Date: 12.21.09

Co-Author: Zer0Cool aka Zer0f0rce (Skype) for Unity Insider Forum:
Added distribution with constant spacing in case of different object sizes.
// align in the x translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation X")
static function AlignmentTransX () {
    // execute alignment for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "transX");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation X", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentTransX () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align in the y translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation Y")
static function AlignmentTransY () {
    // execute alignment for the y axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "transY");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation Y", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentTransY () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align in the z translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation Z")
static function AlignmentTransZ () {
    // execute alignment for the z axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "transZ");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Translation Z", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentTransZ () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align the rotation
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Rotation")
static function AlignmentRotation () {
    // execute alignment in all axes
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "rotAll");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Rotation", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentRotation () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align in the x scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale X")
static function AlignmentScaleX () {
    // execute alignment for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "scaleX");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale X", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentScaleX () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align in the y scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale Y")
static function AlignmentScaleY () {
    // execute alignment for the y axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "scaleY");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale Y", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentScaleY () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// align in the z scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale Z")
static function AlignmentScaleZ () {
    // execute alignment for the z axis
    AlignOrDistribute(false, "scaleZ");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Align/Scale Z", true)
static function ValidateAlignmentScaleZ () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the x translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation X")
static function DistributeTransX () {
    // execute distribution for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transX");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation X", true)
static function ValidateDistributeTransX () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the y translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Y")
static function DistributeTransY () {
    // execute distribution for the y axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transY");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Y", true)
static function ValidateDistributeTransY () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the z translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Z")
static function DistributeTransZ () {
    // execute distribution for the z axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transZ");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Z", true)
static function ValidateDistributeTransZ () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);

// distribute equal in the x translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Equal X")
static function DistributeEqualTransX () {
    // execute distribution equal for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transEqualX");

// distribute equal in the y translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Equal Y")
static function DistributeEqualTransY () {
    // execute distribution equal for the y axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transEqualY");

// distribute equal in the z translation axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Translation Equal Z")
static function DistributeEqualTransZ () {
    // execute distribution equal for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "transEqualZ");
// distribute the rotation
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Rotation")
static function DistributeRotation () {
    // execute distribution in all axes
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "rotAll");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Rotation", true)
static function ValidateDistributeRotation () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the x scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale X")
static function DistributeScaleX () {
    // execute distribution for the x axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "scaleX");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale X", true)
static function ValidateDistributeScaleX () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the y scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale Y")
static function DistributeScaleY () {
    // execute distribution for the y axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "scaleY");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale Y", true)
static function ValidateDistributeScaleY () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
// distribute in the z scale axis
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale Z")
static function DistributeScaleZ () {
    // execute distribution for the z axis
    AlignOrDistribute(true, "scaleZ");
// determine if the function can be executed.
@MenuItem ("LineMup/Distribute/Scale Z", true)
static function ValidateDistributeScaleZ () {
    // only return true if there is a transform in the selection.
    return (Selection.activeTransform != null);
static function AlignOrDistribute(shouldDist, theAxis){
    // create some variables to store values
    var firstObj = Selection.activeTransform;
    var furthestObj = firstObj;
    var firstVal = 0.0;
    var furthestVal = 0.0;
    var curDist = 0.0;
    var lastDist = 0.0;
    var selCount = 0;
    // collect the number of tranforms in the selection and find the object that is furthest away from the active selected object
    for (var transform in Selection.transforms)
        // collect the current distance
        curDist = Vector3.Distance(firstObj.position, transform.position);
        // get the object with the greatest distance from the first selected object
        if (curDist > lastDist)
            furthestObj = transform;
            lastDist = curDist;
        // increment count
        selCount += 1;
    // distribute or align?
    if (shouldDist)
        // collect the first value and furthest value to distribute between
        switch (theAxis)
            case "transX":
            case "transEqualX":
                firstVal = firstObj.position.x;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.position.x;
            case "transY":
            case "transEqualY":
                firstVal = firstObj.position.y;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.position.y;
            case "transZ":
            case "transEqualZ":
                firstVal = firstObj.position.z;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.position.z;
            case "scaleX":
                firstVal = firstObj.localScale.x;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.localScale.x;
            case "scaleY":
                firstVal = firstObj.localScale.y;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.localScale.y;
            case "scaleZ":
                firstVal = firstObj.localScale.z;
                furthestVal = furthestObj.localScale.z;
        // calculate the spacing for the distribution
        var objSpacing = (firstVal - furthestVal) / (selCount - 1);
        var curSpacing = objSpacing;
        var rotSpacing = 1.0 / (selCount - 1);
        var curRotSpacing = rotSpacing;

        // Zer0f0rce: Calculate the spacing for the equal distribution
        var widthObjectsX = 0f;
        var widthObjectsY = 0f;
        var widthObjectsZ = 0f;
        var startObject;
        if (firstVal < furthestVal) startObject = firstObj; else startObject = furthestObj;
        for (var transform in Selection.transforms) {
            if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                widthObjectsX = widthObjectsX + transform.lossyScale.x;
                widthObjectsY = widthObjectsY + transform.lossyScale.y;
                widthObjectsZ = widthObjectsZ + transform.lossyScale.z;
        widthObjectsX = widthObjectsX + (firstObj.lossyScale.x / 2.0f) + (furthestObj.lossyScale.x / 2.0f);
        widthObjectsY = widthObjectsY + (firstObj.lossyScale.y / 2.0f) + (furthestObj.lossyScale.y / 2.0f);
        widthObjectsZ = widthObjectsZ + (firstObj.lossyScale.z / 2.0f) + (furthestObj.lossyScale.z / 2.0f);
        widthLeftX = (firstVal - furthestVal) - (widthObjectsX*Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal));
        widthLeftY = (firstVal - furthestVal) - (widthObjectsY*Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal));
        widthLeftZ = (firstVal - furthestVal) - (widthObjectsZ*Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal));
        objSpacingX = widthLeftX / (selCount - 1);
        objSpacingY = widthLeftY / (selCount - 1);
        objSpacingZ = widthLeftZ / (selCount - 1);

        // update every object in the selection to distribute evenly
        var predecessor=null;
        for (var transform in Selection.transforms)
            switch (theAxis)
                case "transX":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.position.x = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
                case "transY":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.position.y = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
                case "transZ":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.position.z = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
                case "transEqualX":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        if (predecessor==null) {
                            transform.position.x = startObject.position.x - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*startObject.lossyScale.x/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.x/2.0f - objSpacingX;
                        } else {
                            transform.position.x = predecessor.position.x - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*predecessor.lossyScale.x/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.x/2.0f - objSpacingX;
                case "transEqualY":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        if (predecessor==null) {
                            transform.position.y = startObject.position.y - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*startObject.lossyScale.y/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.y/2.0f - objSpacingY;
                        } else {
                            transform.position.y = predecessor.position.y - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*predecessor.lossyScale.y/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.y/2.0f - objSpacingY;
                case "transEqualZ":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        if (predecessor==null) {
                            transform.position.z = startObject.position.z - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*startObject.lossyScale.z/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.z/2.0f - objSpacingZ;
                        } else {
                            transform.position.z = predecessor.position.z - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*predecessor.lossyScale.z/2.0f - Mathf.Sign(firstVal - furthestVal)*transform.lossyScale.z/2.0f - objSpacingZ;
                case "rotAll":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (firstObj.rotation, furthestObj.rotation, curRotSpacing);
                        curRotSpacing += rotSpacing;
                case "scaleX":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.localScale.x = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
                case "scaleY":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.localScale.y = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
                case "scaleZ":
                    if ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj))
                        transform.localScale.z = firstVal - curSpacing;
                        curSpacing += objSpacing;
            if  ((transform != firstObj) && (transform != furthestObj)) predecessor = transform;
        // snap every object in the selection to the first objects value
        for (var transform in Selection.transforms)
            switch (theAxis)
                case "transX":
                    transform.position.x = firstObj.position.x;
                case "transY":
                    transform.position.y = firstObj.position.y;
                case "transZ":
                    transform.position.z = firstObj.position.z;
                case "rotAll":
                    transform.rotation = firstObj.rotation;
                case "scaleX":
                    transform.localScale.x = firstObj.localScale.x;
                case "scaleY":
                    transform.localScale.y = firstObj.localScale.y;
                case "scaleZ":
                    transform.localScale.z = firstObj.localScale.z;


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